Previous experience includes line manager positions, project management, technical expertise within technical and commercial automotive business.
Assignment is done on- or off customer site in consultant or work package format.
Project management training, 2 days training introducing project management for new project managers, potential project managers and project members. Course will guide you through project phases from pre-study to project end with a mix of theory and exercises. Course is done in small groups of 5-8 persons in workshop format.
Included in course are individual 90 minutes coaching session, that will be planned for all participants after course completion.
Course is ideal for those who are about to take on project management tasks or will be part of a project.
Inspiration scene, 2h introduction to project work. Ideal to have in project kickoff event or in pre-study phase to give project managers and project members a shared platform to start project with. Course will guide through all project phases with extra focus on activities appearing early on in project phase to give a good foundation.
Project management training and inspiration scene is set up in agreement with your needs.
Your trainer will be an experienced project manager with automotive back ground from light- and heavy vehicle industry.